引用本文:梁鸿,仇思隽,仇育彬.陕西省眉县地震灾后医疗救助制度调查与分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2009,2(5):11-15 |
陕西省眉县地震灾后医疗救助制度调查与分析 |
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梁鸿, 仇思隽, 仇育彬 |
复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院 |
摘要:陕西省眉县作为“5·12”地震受灾较轻的地区,灾后医疗救助政策与其他受灾较重地区存在一定区别,眉县的灾后医疗救助政策与常态情况下相近,因此本文通过考察眉县灾后医疗救助政策,寻找在政策制定和实施中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决对策。 |
关键词:灾后医疗救助 因病致贫 实施效果 |
基金项目:中国卫生政策支持项目(HPSP) |
The investigation and analysis of the post earthquake disaster medical assistant system in Mei county Shanxi province |
LIANG Hong, QIU Si-jun, QIU Yu-bin |
School of Social Development and Public Policy,Fudan University |
Abstract:Mei county in Shanxi province is a region which is less destroyed by the “5·12” earthquake, thus its medical assistance policies after disaster have some differences with other serious disaster stricken areas. In other words, it should be similar to normal circumstances. Therefore, through the inspection of its medical assistance policies, this paper aims to find out the problems in the policy making and implementation, and to propose solutions. |
Key words:Post earthquake medical assistance, Poverty caused by illness, implementation effect |
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