引用本文:金春林,荆丽梅,林海,等.上海市公立医疗机构收入与支出分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2010,3(1):15-20 |
上海市公立医疗机构收入与支出分析 |
投稿时间:2009-11-04 修订日期:2009-11-12 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
金春林1, 荆丽梅2, 林海1, 付晨1, 彭玉梅1 |
1.上海市卫生局;2.上海市卫生发展研究中心 |
摘要:目标:分析2002—2007年上海市不同等级公立医疗机构的经济运行和财政补偿情况。资料与方法:综合运用上海市卫生总费用核算中的医疗机构费用数据,进行描述性分析。结果:上海市医疗机构总收入在卫生总费用中的比重约为78%,主要集中在二、三级医院;公立医疗机构结余在2007年首次呈负值;药品仍为医疗机构的主要收入来源;三、二、一级医疗机构的政府财政补助分别可相当于1/5、1/3和1/2的人员支出;2007年三、二、一级医疗机构的药品加成率分别为178%、210%和235%。建议:加大政府投入,完善财政补助政策,理顺医疗服务价格体系,加强成本核算和信息化建设,并逐步引入多元办医机制,推进公立医院改革。 |
关键词:公立医院 收入 支出 政府投入 公益性 |
基金项目:上海市卫生局重大研究项目(编号:4.3) |
Analysis on the revenue and expenditure of public hospitals in Shanghai municipal |
JIN Chun-lin1, JING Li-mei2, LIN Hai1, FU Chen1 |
1.Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau;2.Health Development Research Center, Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau |
Abstract:Objectives: To analyze the economics status and government input of public hospitals at different levels from the year 2002 to 2007. Data and Methods: Make full use of the data of Shanghai total expenditure on health (STEH), especially on pulic hospitals, and give a descriptive analysis. Results: The revenue of hospitals accounts for around 78% of STEH, mainly in secondary and tertiary hospitals. The surplus turns into deficit in 2007 in public hospitals for the first time. Drug retailing remains the major source of public hospitals revenue. The government input accounted for about 1/5, 1/3 and 1/2 personnel expenditure of the tertiary, secondary and primary hospitals respectively. And the drug mark up rate is restricted to 17.8%, 21.0% and 23.5% in 2007 in tertiary, secondary and primary hospitals respectively. Recommendations: A clear increase of government health input is needed so as to adjust the policy of financial subsidies. Meanwhile the medical care price system should be modulated. Cost accounting on medical care and health information system should be strengthened. In addition, hospitals of diverse investment should be introduced to promote public hospitals reform. |
Key words:Public hospitals Revenue Expenditure Government input Commonweal |
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