引用本文:陈玉萍,李哲.农户疾病风险处理策略研究述评[J].中国卫生政策研究,2010,3(11):46-51 |
农户疾病风险处理策略研究述评 |
投稿时间:2010-08-19 修订日期:2010-09-30 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
陈玉萍1, 李哲2 |
1.中南财经政法大学工商管理学院;2.浙江工商大学经济学院 |
摘要:疾病影响农户生计。本文从疾病风险测度、疾病对农户生计影响、农户疾病风险处理策略等方面对现有研究进行述评。疾病对农户生计短期影响表现为减少劳动时间和降低正常消费水平等;大病可能导致10年或更长的严重负面影响,特别是影响农户人力资本发展。面对疾病风险,农户采取诸如计划免疫、安全饮水及参加医保项目等“事前”预防措施;他们还积极采取收入和消费平滑的“事后”风险处理策略来度过难关,例如减少家庭消费、借贷、变卖消费性和生产性资产、向外地移居等策略。不同经济状况的农户会采取适合于自身经济能力的疾病风险处理策略。未来的研究需要在疾病对农户收入的持续影响以及对贫困农户生计的影响,不同特征农户疾病风险处理策略比较等方面进行深入分析。 |
关键词:农户 疾病风险 经济影响 处理策略 |
基金项目:欧盟第六轮框架计划资助(编号:INCO CT 2005 517657),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(编号:NCET 06 0635)和国家自然科学基金项目(编号:70773120) |
A review of studies on households strategies in dealing with risks of disease |
CHEN Yu-ping1, LI Zhe2 |
1.School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;2.School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University |
Abstract:Disease seriously affects households’ livelihoods. This paper is to review the current research on measuring illness risks, impact on households’ livelihoods and households’ risk coping strategies. The short time impacts of illness include reducing working time and normal consumption; the long run impacts can last for 10 years or longer, and it is especially true for households human capital development. In coping with the adverse shock, households may participate programs such as immunization, safe water and medical insurance; they may also actively adopt income and consumption smoothing strategies, such as reducing family consumption, borrowing, selling consumables or productive assets, as well as migrating. Households with different economic situation may adopt different strategies in coping with illness risks. Future studies should focus on long run impacts on households income generating and poor households’s livelihoods. Households characteristics should be more taken into account in analyzing risks coping strategies. |
Key words:Households Risk of disease Economic impact Coping strategies |
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