引用本文:朱兆芳,王禄生,李润萍.云南省禄丰县新农合住院按床日付费支付方式主要做法和效果评价[J].中国卫生政策研究,2011,4(1):32-37 |
云南省禄丰县新农合住院按床日付费支付方式主要做法和效果评价 |
投稿时间:2010-06-01 修订日期:2010-07-15 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
朱兆芳1, 王禄生1, 李润萍2 |
1.卫生部卫生发展研究中心;2.云南省禄丰县新型农村合作医疗管理办公室 |
摘要:支付方式改革是控制医疗费用不合理上涨的重要手段。云南省禄丰县于2007年开始探索住院按床日付费的支付方式改革,有效控制了住院次均费用的过快上涨,初步建立了医疗机构自我约束机制,参合农民、医疗机构和新农合经办机构满意度较高。本文对禄丰县按床日付费制度的主要做法和效果做了评价,并提出调整支付标准、完善考核办法等建议,以供其他地区参考借鉴。 |
关键词:按床日付费 支付方式 做法 效果 |
基金项目:卫生部项目资金监管服务中心2009年立项研究课题(卫XI C2009 17A 2) |
Main process and effect evaluation of per diem payment in hospitalization of New Rural Medical Scheme in Lufeng County Yunnan Provine |
ZHU Zhao-fang1, WANG Lu-sheng1, LI Run-ping2 |
1.China National Health Development Research Center, Ministry of Health;2.Lufeng New Rural Cooperative Medical Service Mamagement office of Yunnan Province |
Abstract:The payment reform is an important method to control the rapid increasing of medical cost. Lufeng County, Yunnan province has been explored the per diem payment in hospitalization since 2007 and get obviously effect such as controlled the rapid increasing of hospitalization expenditure, established the self control mechanism of hospitals and achieves high satisfaction degree of rural residents, hospitals and management agency of NCMS. This article summarized the main process, evaluated the effect of per diem payment and gives some advice such as adjust the payment standard and improve the assessment system. Wish it can bring some reference to other counties. |
Key words:Per diem reimbursement Payment Process Effect |
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