引用本文:李顺平,郑振玉.云南省与四川省吸毒人群结核病服务利用的影响因素分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2011,4(1):57-60 |
云南省与四川省吸毒人群结核病服务利用的影响因素分析 |
投稿时间:2010-11-20 修订日期:2010-12-21 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
李顺平1, 郑振玉2 |
1.山东大学卫生管理与政策研究中心;2.司法部劳动教养管理局 |
摘要:目的:找出影响吸毒人群结核病服务利用的主要因素,为制定相关政策提供依据。方法:采用定性访谈与分析,对147例吸毒肺结核患者和21名关键知情人员进行访谈。结果:影响吸毒人群结核病服务利用的主要因素包括健康意识与结核病知晓状况较差、缺乏社会支持与信息来源、吸毒行为与吸毒心理、结核病服务提供不足、结核病与HIV双重感染以及治疗依从性差等。结论:影响吸毒人群结核病服务利用的影响因素较多,应从多方面提高吸毒人群结核病服务利用的公平性与效率。 |
关键词:吸毒人群 结核病 定性分析 |
基金项目:UNICEF/World Bank/WHO/TDR项目(A50185) |
Analysis on influencing factors of utilization for pulmonary tuberculosis care in drug abusers in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces |
LI Shun-ping1, ZHENG Zhen-yu2 |
1.Center for Health Management and Policy of Shandong University, Key Lab for Health Economics and Policy of Ministry of Health;2.Bureau of Reeducationthroughlabor Administration, Ministry of Justice |
Abstract:Objective: This article aims to find the main influencing factors of utilization for Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) care in drug abusers and to provide evidences for policy making. Methods: Qualitative analysis was used through interviewing 147 drug abusers with TB and 21 key informant persons. Results: The main influencing factors include: indifference of health, lack of TB knowledge, less support of society and information, activities and psychology of drug abuse, insufficient provision, HIV TB double infections and lower adherence, and so on. Conclusions: There are many influencing factors of utilization for TB care in drug abusers, and comprehensive measurements should be taken to improve the equity and efficiency of utilization for TB care in drug abusers. |
Key words:Drug abusers Tuberculosis Qualitative analysis |
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