引用本文:陶婷婷,徐程,胡明,等.我国药品价格调整政策分析:1997—2011年[J].中国卫生政策研究,2011,4(9):46-52 |
我国药品价格调整政策分析:1997—2011年 |
投稿时间:2011-08-02 修订日期:2011-08-24 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
陶婷婷1, 徐程2, 胡明1, 廖文1, 蒋学华1 |
1.四川大学华西药学院;2.西南财经大学公共管理学院 |
摘要:目的:为全面认识和分析药品价格管理政策提供技术支持。方法:回顾分析了1997年至2011年7月政府针对药品价格的28次调整规定中所涉及的药品种类,利用EXCEL和SPSS17.0统计分析了各类别对应的药品品种数目、调价频率位于前列的部分药品以及其调价幅度等指标。结果:调价药品品种主要集中于抗菌药物、心血管药物、抗肿瘤药物等临床常用和售价相对较高的药品;调价药品所涉及的剂型和规格也为临床常用剂型规格;调价方式主要以降价为主,也有少部分药物的价格略有提升;大多数药物的降价幅度较大,其中对于仿制药的降幅较单独定价药品要大;对于中成药的调价覆盖面广。结论:政府应加强对中药材价格的监管力度;药品价格政策的制定及实施应全面考虑相关利益团体的综合权益,以保证该项政策进入良性运转的轨道。 |
关键词:药品政策 价格 品种 |
Analysis of Chinese pharmaceutical price policy from 1997 to 2011 |
Abstract:Objective: This article aims to provide useful information to comprehensively understand Chinese pharmaceutical price policy. Method: The study has analyzed the categories of 28 times compelling price adjustment since 1997, statistically summarized the numbers of the drugs in each category, described the price reducing frequencies and magnitudes of certain drugs by using EXCEL and SPSS 17.0. Result: Drugs which prices were adjusted were always among those in common use or expensive. The categories of the price controlling drugs are those commonly used for clinical medicines such as antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, anticancer drugs and the relatively expensive drugs; the formulations and specifications price controlling drugs are also commonly used for clinical too; the price controlling policy makes the prices of the vast majority of drugs down, but also a small part of the drugs’ price up; price cutting magnitude of generic drugs is greater than the original drugs. The price adjustment coverage of Chinese formulated medicines is significant. Conclusion: Government should strengthen the supervision of prices of Chinese traditional medicines. The formulation and implementation of the pharmaceutical price policy should take into account the overall interests of the relevant interest groups, so as to ensure the policy into the right track. |
Key words:Drug policy Price Category |
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