引用本文:许汝言, 胡敏, 叶露.以财富指数测量生活水平的相关问题研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,8(3):46-50 |
以财富指数测量生活水平的相关问题研究 |
投稿时间:2015-01-18 修订日期:2015-02-28 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
许汝言, 胡敏, 叶露 |
复旦大学公共卫生学院 卫生部卫生技术评估重点实验室 上海 200032 |
摘要:目的:研究以不同方法构建的财富指数的一致性, 及其与传统方法测量的生活水平结果的比较。方法:利用2011年对宁夏回族自治区6 612户农村家庭(共28 886人)开展的入户调查数据, 分别采取主成分分析、等权重等不同的赋权方法并纳入不同变量类型, 构建4种不同的财富指数, 对其结果的一致性进行分析;并分别与家庭总消费、家庭人均消费和家庭等值人均消费这三种传统方法得到的人群生活水平结果进行比较。结果:采用不同方法构建的财富指数间一致性较强;财富指数与消费指标间一致性较弱。结论:反映生活水平的不同指标各有优缺点, 其测量结果间的一致性也较弱, 因此当生活水平作为主要研究结果或影响结果的主要因素时, 应结合采用不同生活水平指标得到的研究结果以及专业知识和经验, 选择合适的生活水平指标。 |
关键词:财富指数 消费指标 生活水平 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71303056);美国中华医学基金会公开竞标项目(13-163) |
Study on issues of wealth index for measurements of living standard |
XU Ru-yan, HU Min, YE Lu |
School of Public Health and Key Laboratory of Health Technology Assessment (Ministry of Health), Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China |
Abstract:Objective: To study the agreement of wealth index constructed using different methods, and the comparison of living standard measurements by the wealth index and traditional indicators. Methods: The data used in the study come from Rural Household Survey in Ningxia region, and the sample of this household survey included 6612 households, 28886 people. Using different weighting methods, such as principal component analysis and equal weighting, and data coded in different ways to construct 4 wealth indexes, and analyzing the agreement of these 4 wealth indexes. Respectively comparing the wealth indexes with the living standard measurements by total, per capital and per adult household consumption. Results: The wealth indexes showed strong agreement with each other, and similarly weak agreement with consumption indicators. Conclusion: the indicators of living standard measurements each had advantages and disadvantages, and there was weak agreement between these indicators. Thus, when living standard was the main study result or the social determinant of study results, the appropriate indicator in the study should be selected according to the study results by different indicators and professional knowledge and experiences. |
Key words:Wealth index Consumption indicator Living standard |
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