引用本文:贾欣欣, 胡红岩, 王萱萱, 卓朗, 徐玲, 张耀光, 蔡敏, 陈家应.我国15岁及以上居民自评健康状况及其影响因素分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2016,9(6):62-67 |
我国15岁及以上居民自评健康状况及其影响因素分析 |
投稿时间:2015-12-28 修订日期:2016-03-16 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
贾欣欣1, 胡红岩1, 王萱萱1, 卓朗1, 徐玲2, 张耀光2, 蔡敏2, 陈家应3 |
1. 南京医科大学医政学院 江苏南京 210029; 2. 国家卫生计生委统计信息中心 北京 100044; 3. 南京医科大学卫生政策研究中心 江苏南京 210029 |
摘要:目的:分析我国15岁及以上居民自评健康状况及其影响因素。方法:采用第五次国家卫生服务调查居民调查资料(n=273 688),测量指标包括调查对象的社会人口学特征、健康相关行为、健康相关生命质量、两周患病、慢性病患病和过去一年内住院情况。剔除无效数据之后有效样本量为188 697,采用有序多分类logistic回归分析对15岁及以上居民自评健康的影响因素进行分析。结果:我国15岁及以上居民自评健康存在明显的社会人口学差异,女性、老年人、低收入、城市(相比于农村)和西部(相比于东中部)居民自评健康等级较差;自评健康状态能够较好地反映中国居民的客观健康状况;健康相关行为良好的居民自评健康状况较好。结论:加强对重点人群(如女性、老年人、低收入人群等)健康状况的关注;改善健康相关行为方式,减少可控的危险因素,诸如不吸烟、不过量饮酒、有规律的体育锻炼等是改善居民自评健康状况的重要手段。 |
关键词:自评健康 影响因素 有序多分类logistic回归 |
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAI04B02);国家自然科学基金项目面上课题(71373183) |
Analysis on self-rated health status and its influencing factors among Chinese residents aged 15 and above |
JIA Xin-xin1, HU Hong-yan1, WANG Xuan-xuan1, ZHUO Lang1, XU Ling2, ZHANG Yao-guang2, CAI Min2, CHEN Jia-ying3 |
1. School of Health Policy Studies, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210029, China; 2. Center for Health Statistics and Information, National Health Center and Family Planning Commission, Beijing 100044, China; 3. Center of Health Policy Studies, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210029, China |
Abstract:Objective: To analyze the self-rated health status and its influencing factors among Chinese residents aged 15 and above. Methods: The data were drawn from the Fifth National Health Services Survey (n=273 688). The measurement indicators include respondents' demographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviors, health-related quality of life, the two-week prevalence, the chronic disease prevalence and hospitalization within the precedent year. After data screening, sample size became 188 697 respondents available for further analysis to assess the factors related to self-rated health status for residents aged 15 and above using ordinal logistic regression method. Results: Self-related health varied significantly among different social demographic groups, and women, elderly people, people from low-income group, people living in the rural area (compared to those in urban areas) and people living in the western area (compared to those in Eastern and Middle area) tended to have poor self-rated health level. The self-rated health status can best reflect the respondents' objective health conditions; and people with healthy lifestyle behaviors showed good self-rated health status. Conclusions: Priority should be given to the health status of the most vulnerable population groups such as women, elderly people and people within low-income etc. Healthy lifestyle behaviors should be improved and controllable risk factors such as smoking, heavy alcohol consumption should be reduced. However, people should have regular physical activities since they appear to be important and effective ways to improving self-rated health status. |
Key words:Self-rated Health Influencing factors Ordinal logistic regression |
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