引用本文:黄君洁, 王平平.中国财政分权与公共医疗卫生服务供给的荟萃回归分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2017,10(6):73-79 |
中国财政分权与公共医疗卫生服务供给的荟萃回归分析 |
投稿时间:2016-12-02 修订日期:2017-05-16 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
黄君洁, 王平平 |
厦门大学公共事务学院 福建厦门 361005 |
摘要:本文通过对中国财政分权与公共医疗卫生服务供给关系的主要实证研究结果进行荟萃分析发现,中国财政分权对公共医疗卫生服务供给影响的不同实证结果受到不同研究特征的影响,尤其是显著效应的实证结果受到起始年份、终止年份、模型数量、模型是否包含人口密度、转移支付、对外开放度、自变量是否包含财政支出分权等研究特征的显著影响,而且通过漏斗不对称检验后发现,样本文献存在发表偏倚问题。 |
关键词:财政分权 医疗卫生 荟萃分析 |
基金项目:2017年中央高校基本科研业务费项目(20720171013);厦门大学繁荣哲学社会科学项目;国家社会科学基金项目(12CJY097) |
Fiscal decentralization and public health service supply in China:A meta-regression analysis |
HUANG Jun-Jie, WANG Ping-ping |
School of Public Affairs, Xiamen University, Xiamen Fujian 361005, China |
Abstract:This paper aims to conduct a literature meta-analysis of the results of existing empirical researches about the relationship between fiscal decentralization and supply of public health service in China.It was found that the different empirical results of the impact of China's fiscal decentralization on the supply of public health services are subject to different research characteristics.The actual results of the impact,especially the significant effect,are influenced by the characteristics of the starting year,the year of termination,and the number of models,whether the model contains population density,transfer payments,degree of openness,and whether the independent variables include the fiscal expenditure decentralization.Through the funnel plot asymmetry test,it was found that there was publication bias in the sample literature. |
Key words:Fiscal decentralization Health Meta-regression analysis |
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