引用本文:王云屏, 金楠, 樊晓丹.中国对外援助医疗卫生机构的历史、现状与发展趋势[J].中国卫生政策研究,2017,10(8):60-67 |
中国对外援助医疗卫生机构的历史、现状与发展趋势 |
投稿时间:2017-02-26 修订日期:2017-06-29 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
王云屏1,2, 金楠1, 樊晓丹1 |
1. 国家卫生计生委卫生发展研究中心 北京 100191; 2. 中国人民大学公共管理学院 北京 100872 |
摘要:本研究估算中国政府每年在医疗卫生机构援助项目上的投入约2.67亿美元,接近双边卫生援助排名第五的德国的水平。援助的医疗卫生机构多为综合医院或卫生中心,地理分布上非洲最多,规模较为统一,并采用"交钥匙"的援建方式。这些项目一定程度上缓解了当地医疗卫生资源稀缺和居民就医可及性问题,并促进当地人就业与生活水平提高,但由于援助缺乏总体战略和规划的指导与统筹,缺乏对受援国卫生体系的知识经验积累,强调"需求牵引"却忽视需求评估,立项管理"重工程建设可行性、轻项目功能可行性"等问题,难以实现精准援助。未来医疗卫生机构援助应实现三个转变,即从以交付基础设施为导向的"实物援助"向"功能性援助"转变,从项目援助向方案援助转变,从单一的政府官方援助向投援结合转变。 |
关键词:中国 医疗卫生机构 援助 成套项目 |
基金项目:英国国际发展部中英全球卫生支持项目(GHSP) |
History, current situation and trend of China's overseas health facilities aid |
WANG Yun-ping1,2, JIN Nan1, FAN Xiao-dan1 |
1. National Health Development Research Center, National Health and Family Planning, Beijing 100191, China; 2. School of Public Administration and Policy, Renming University of China, Beijing 100872, China |
Abstract:This study conservatively estimates that the Chinese government invests about 267millions USD per year on health facilities aid, almost reaching the amount of Germany, and ranked fifth globally. Health facilities built by China mostly are general hospitals and health care centers located in Africa with unified model and standards, and are the "Turn-Key" projects. These facilities have helped to alleviate the scarcity of medical and health resources and accessibility of residents to health services to some extent, as well as promoting the employment and the living standards of local people. However, due to the lack of guidance and coordination of the overall strategic planning and harmonization of health aid efforts, and the knowledge of partner countries' health systems, emphasis on demand driven and feasibility of infrastructure construction while ignoring the needs assessment and feasibility of functional fulfillment, it's hard to achieve the targeted assistance in China's health facilities aid projects. It was found that it's necessary to make three changes in the future:from "infrastructure assistance" to "functional assistance"; from "project assistance" to "program assistance"; from a single government official assistance to a combination of official assistance and investment. |
Key words:China Health Facilities Aid Complete projects |
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