引用本文:阳义南, 贾洪波.国民社会健康测度及其影响因素研究——基于MIMIC结构方程模型的经验证据[J].中国卫生政策研究,2018,11(1):28-36 |
国民社会健康测度及其影响因素研究——基于MIMIC结构方程模型的经验证据 |
投稿时间:2017-04-16 修订日期:2017-07-13 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
阳义南1,2, 贾洪波3 |
1. 华南理工大学公共管理学院 广东广州 510641; 2. 武汉大学社会保障研究中心 湖北武汉 430072; 3. 北京航空航天大学公共管理学院 北京 100083 |
摘要:为测量当前我国国民的社会健康水平,本文基于2012年CGSS数据,使用因子分析法得到的简单均值为3.13,因子加权均值为8.03。其中上海、天津、北京、辽宁、浙江、广东等经济发达省市的居民社会健康位列倒数1~6名,显示出我国居民社会健康与经济发展水平之间呈现相反的背离趋势。进一步使用MIMIC模型的估计结果表明,男性、已婚、年长、有医疗保险或养老保险、参加过社会捐赠或志愿活动的被访者具有更高水平的社会健康,社会地位、幸福感对社会健康具有显著的正向影响,城镇户籍、上网越多,其社会健康水平更低,教育、收入与社会健康之间呈倒U型关系。本文还利用2014年CLDS数据进行了复制研究,结果显示上述结论是稳健的,基于上述研究,本文提出了发展我国国民社会健康的政策建议。 |
关键词:社会健康 幸福 MIMIC结构方程模型 |
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金项目(2016A030313209);华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目(ZDPY05);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(16JJD840009) |
Measurement of the Chinese's social health and its influencing factors: Based on MIMIC structural equation model |
YANG Yi-nan1,2, JIA Hong-bo3 |
1. School of Public Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Guangdong 510641, China; 2. Center for Social Security Studies of Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072, China; 3. School of Public Administration, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract:In order to measure the current social health status of China, this article uses the method of factor analysis to measure the social health of Chinese population based on the data of CGSS2012, which has a mean score of 3.13 and the factor loading weighted score of 8.03. The social health of residents in economically developed provinces such as the six provinces Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, Liaoning, Zhejiang and Guangdong ranked among the first to sixth from the bottom, which demonstrated that there was an opposite trend between the people's social health and economy growth. The results of the MIMIC model indicate that the male, married, elder, pension or medical insured people and participating in social donations and voluntary activities would have higher social health level. The education and income have a reversed U-shaped relationship with the social health. This article also uses the CLDS2014 data to duplicate the above research, which indicates a robust result. Based on the above findings, this article finally proposes some policy suggestions to promote the social health of Chinese people. |
Key words:Social health Happiness MIMIC structural equation model |
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