引用本文:许沛尧, 王橙, 黎隐豪, 屈伟, 朱嘉琳, 喻雪双, 赵莉, 刘毅.公立医院院长职业化培训需求调查——以四川省为例[J].中国卫生政策研究,2018,11(11):36-40 |
公立医院院长职业化培训需求调查——以四川省为例 |
投稿时间:2018-04-11 修订日期:2018-10-20 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
许沛尧, 王橙, 黎隐豪, 屈伟, 朱嘉琳, 喻雪双, 赵莉, 刘毅 |
四川大学华西公共卫生学院(华西第四医院) 四川成都 610041 |
摘要:目的:通过调查四川省二级以上公立医院院长对职业化培训的需求,了解其对职业化培训形式和内容上的看法,为优化公立医院院长职业化培训提供参考。方法:对四川省21个地市州二级以上公立医院正副院长进行问卷调查,对部分公立医院院长进行现场访谈,将院长在培训方式、培训时长、培训内容上的情况进行分析。结果:公立医院院长更倾向于“半脱产”(45.6%)和“在职”(33%)的培训方式,“理论教学”,“案例分析”,“实地考察”相结合的形式受到欢迎;46.8%的院长愿意接受3个月以内的短期培训;培训内容选择上卫生管理知识(93.7%)、卫生法律与政策(90.8%)、卫生经济(75.0%)、计算机等多媒体(67.9%)等占多数;医院规划经营能力(78.1%)、决策能力(43.5%)、社会责任感(43.3%)等是院长们急需提升的能力。结论:根据公立医院院长对于职业化培训的需求,可以采取多种形式的短期培训;基于急需提升的能力对课程模块进行设置;完善效果评估机制,动态了解职业化培训需求,优化培训系统。 |
关键词:公立医院院长 职业化培训 需求 |
基金项目:四川省卫生和计划生育委员会委托项目(H170620) |
Study of the demands for professional training of deans of public hospitals: A case study of Sichuan province |
XU Pei-yao, WANG Cheng, LI Yin-hao, QU Wei, ZHU Jia-lin, YU Xue-shuang, ZHAO Li, LIU Yi |
West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University, Chengdu Sichuan 610041, China |
Abstract:Objective:This study investigates the demand for professional training among deans of public hospitals of two-level or above in Sichuan province, to better understand their views on the forms and contents of professional training, and to provide reference for optimizing the process and contents of professional training programs for public hospital deans. Methods:To analyze the situation of the dean's training methods, training duration, and training contents, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the deans of public hospitals of two-level or above in 21 prefectures and cities of Sichuan Province. Some public hospital deans were interviewed on the site. Results:Deans of public hospitals prefer a "half-time off" training (45.6%) and "on the job" training (33.0%), and the combination of "theory teaching", "case analysis" and "field investigation" is a much welcomed training form. 46.8% of the deans are willing to accept a short-term training within 3 months, and the preferred training contents are health management skills (93.7%), health laws and policies (90.8%), health economics (75.0%) and computer multimedia technology (67.9%), etc. On the other hand, hospital planning management capacity (78.1%), decision-making ability (43.5%), and social responsibility (43.3%) are chosen by the deans as their current areas that need to be upgraded. Conclusions:Based on the survey results of the demands of professional hospital deans for professional training, various forms of short-term training should be adopted, the curriculum modules should be designed based on the deans' urgent need for improvement, and the effectiveness evaluation mechanism should be improved to dynamically understand the professional training needs and optimize the training system. |
Key words:Public hospital dean Professional training Demands |
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