引用本文:秦上人, 黄子芮.杭州家庭医生签约政策的推广与制度化——基于制度化与吸纳动员理论[J].中国卫生政策研究,2020,13(2):67-72 |
杭州家庭医生签约政策的推广与制度化——基于制度化与吸纳动员理论 |
投稿时间:2019-10-06 修订日期:2019-12-01 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
秦上人, 黄子芮 |
杭州师范大学医学院 浙江杭州 311121 |
摘要:本文基于制度化理论与吸纳动员理论对杭州市家庭医生签约政策的推广和制度化深入剖析,通过对杭州市卫生行政部门进行深度访谈,采用文献分析法、制度分析法对杭州市推进家庭医生签约政策执行逻辑进行研究。发现杭州推进家庭医生签约政策制度化的过程存在两个脉络:从试点发生、理论化与客观化、沉淀推广到实现制度化的政府政策推广过程和注重对各参与主体“动员与吸纳”的群众参与过程。这两个过程共同完成了杭州家庭医生签约政策的制度化实施,这一政策执行逻辑对于更好地推进和完善类似政策具有示范意义。 |
关键词:家庭医生 签约式服务 制度化 吸纳动员理论 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71704042);杭州师范大学科研启动经费项目(4125C5121620525) |
Research on the implementation and institutionalization for family doctors signing policy in Hangzhou city: based on the Institutionalization Theory and Absorption Mobilization Theory |
QIN Shang-ren, HUANG Zi-rui |
School of Medicine, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 311121, China |
Abstract:The institutionalization theory and absorption mobilization theory were conducted to deeply analyze the process and mode of promoting the family doctor signing policy in Hangzhou. This paper uses the literature analysis method and institutional analysis method to study the implementation logic of the promotion of family doctors in Hangzhou. There are two veins in this process: the government policy implementation process form the pilot, theorization, objectification, and institutionalization of this policy, and the mass participation process that focuses on the “mobilization and absorption” of the participants. Hangzhou combined these two processes in the process of promoting family doctor signing policy.This policy implementation model and execution logic are exemplary for better advancing and improving similar policies in China. |
Key words:Family doctor Contracted service Institutionalization Absorption Mobilization Theory |
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