引用本文:峗怡.欧洲国家健康水平的关键影响因素分析——基于欧洲36个国家的定性比较分析(QCA)[J].中国卫生政策研究,2020,13(9):27-33 |
欧洲国家健康水平的关键影响因素分析——基于欧洲36个国家的定性比较分析(QCA) |
投稿时间:2020-06-29 修订日期:2020-09-14 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
峗怡 |
西南政法大学政治与公共管理学院 西南政法大学总体国家安全观研究院 重庆 401120 |
摘要:国家健康水平受多个健康的社会决定因素共同影响。通过收集36个欧洲国家健康水平的相关数据,展示欧洲国家间健康不平等的差异,运用定性比较分析(QCA),旨在探究对于国家健康水平而言,哪些是核心影响条件,哪些因素共同作用及如何作用于健康水平。研究发现,欧洲地区经济发达的国家健康水平更高,风险、质量(效用)、卫生经济和卫生可及性这四个维度共同影响健康总体水平,在诸多指标中找出四个关键指标分别代表四个维度,包括成人饮酒量(-)、可避免死亡人数(-)、人均卫生支出(+)和未被满足的健康需求(-),前三个指标所代表的三个维度对于健康水平的影响是核心条件,高于欧盟平均健康水平的国家,在质量(效用)维度全部优于欧盟平均水平,而其他三个维度相较于欧盟平均水平而言情况各异。从实现更好的国家健康水平的影响因素两条组合路径来看,高支出和高质量作为核心条件的类型组合,比低风险和高质量作为核心条件的类型组合所代表的国家案例略多。欧洲的证据可以为发展中国家实现健康跨越式发展提供发展经验,并对我国区域间健康均等化发展提供有益借鉴。 |
关键词:人口健康 影响因素 多案例比较 |
基金项目:重庆市社科规划项目(2018PY59);西南政法大学总体国家安全观研究院生物安全风险防控和治理体系建设专项研究课题(JS-ZTGJAQG-008);西南政法大学强化公共卫生法治保障专项的研究成果 |
The key influencing factors on population health in European countries: Based on QCA analysis of 36 countries |
WEI Yi |
School of Politics and Public Administration, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China |
Abstract:Population health in various countries is affected by varied social determinants of health. By collecting health data from 36 European countries, the differences among population health status and health inequalities were reported. Qualitative comparative analysis(QCA)was used to verify the influencing factors lead to population health level, in which what are the core conditions, which kind of combined factors can lead to better health. In general, the overall health of developed European countries is higher than others, and the four dimensions of risk, quality (utility), health economy and accessibility to health can jointly affect the population health. Four key indicators are identified among four dimensions, including adult alcohol consumption (-), avoidable deaths (-), per capita health expenditure (+), and unmet health needs (-), and the first three indicators represented dimensions were the core conditions to better countries' population health. Countries with better population health than the EU average showed better performance in the quality (utility) dimension, but the situation of other three dimensions were varied. In terms of the two combined paths that lead to better population health in European country cases, the combination path with high expenditure and high quality as the core conditions was slightly more common than the combination path with low risk and high quality as the core conditions. Evidence from European nations can provide development experience for developing countries to achieve leap-forward development in specific healthy area, and provide useful reference for the regional health equalization in China. |
Key words:Population health Influencing factors Multiple cases comparison |
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