引用本文:姬飞霞, 张航空, 石郑.养老机构的环境质量对其入住率的影响研究——以北京市为例[J].中国卫生政策研究,2021,14(6):72-78 |
养老机构的环境质量对其入住率的影响研究——以北京市为例 |
投稿时间:2021-04-25 修订日期:2021-05-16 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
姬飞霞1, 张航空1, 石郑2 |
1. 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心 北京 100872; 2. 北京师范大学政府管理学院 北京 100875 |
摘要:基于2016年北京市养老机构普查数据,采用多元线性回归模型分析了养老机构的环境质量对其入住率的影响。研究发现:养老机构外部和内部环境质量均显著影响其入住率,但作用机制存在差异。在外部环境质量方面,位于中心城区的养老机构入住率显著高于其他十区。在内部环境质量方面,居住、医疗和娱乐环境质量对入住率的影响存在异质性:第一,居住环境质量整体得分较高,但对入住率的影响不明显;第二,医疗环境质量的改善能显著提升入住率;第三,娱乐环境质量得分与入住率之间存在显著负向关系。 |
关键词:养老机构 入住率 环境质量 |
基金项目:中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目(20XNQ047) |
Research on the impact of environmental quality of pension institutions on its occupancy rate: A case study of Beijing |
JI Fei-xia1, ZHANG Hang-kong1, SHI Zheng2 |
1. Center for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2. School of Government, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China |
Abstract:Based on the 2016 general survey data of pension institutions in Beijing, a multiple linear regression model was used to analyze the impact of the environmental quality of pension institutions on their occupancy rate. The results showed that the external and internal environmental quality of pension institutions significantly affects their occupancy rate, but there are significant differences in the working mechanism. In terms of external environmental quality, it was observed that the occupancy rate of pension institutions is significantly higher in the central city than in the other ten districts. In terms of internal environmental quality, the impact of the quality of living, medical and entertainment environments on the occupancy rate is heterogeneous. First, the overall score of the living environment quality is higher, but the impact on the occupancy rate is not obvious. Second, the improvement of medical environment quality can significantly increase the occupancy rate. Third, there is a significant negative relationship between the entertainment environment quality score and the occupancy rate. |
Key words:Pension institutions Occupancy rate Environmental quality |
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