引用本文:毛艾琳, 李雅楠.新就业形态劳动者医疗保险类型选择研究——来自流动人口的证据[J].中国卫生政策研究,2022,15(3):9-15 |
新就业形态劳动者医疗保险类型选择研究——来自流动人口的证据 |
投稿时间:2021-12-15 修订日期:2022-01-25 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
毛艾琳, 李雅楠 |
首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院 北京 100070 |
摘要:平台经济、数字经济的蓬勃发展带动大量就业,参与其中的新就业形态劳动者的劳动特点明显区别于传统业态,因此当下依托正规经济建立起来的社会保险制度并不能为该群体提供完整、有效的保障,这一问题已引起多方关注。在此背景下,分析影响其作出参加医疗保险决策的主要因素,将有助于研判如何为该群体提供更有效、全面的保障。本研究使用“2017年流动人口动态监测调查”数据,以新就业形态劳动者为研究对象,依据其就业特征提取关键要素,采用二项Logit模型进行回归并进行夏普利分解,考察个体特征、工作特征以及社会特征对该群体中已参加医疗保险人员保险类型选择的影响效应。结果显示,就业更稳定、工作更接近正规就业的新就业形态劳动者更倾向于参加职工保险,其中工作特征的影响效应更强,说明雇主责任不明晰仍是该群体获得公平保障的难点所在。 |
关键词:医疗保险 新就业形态 医疗保险选择 健康保障 流动人口 |
基金项目:国家社会科学基金青年项目(20CGL040) |
Research on the choice of medical insurance types for workers in new employment forms: Evidence from migrants |
MAO Ai-lin, LI Ya-nan |
School of Labor Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China |
Abstract:The vigorous development of the platform economy and the digital economy has led to a large number of jobs. The labor characteristics of the new employment forms are clearly different from those of traditional businesses. Therefore, the current social insurance system established based on the formal economy cannot provide this group with a complete and effective guarantee, which has aroused many concerns. In this context, analyzing the main factors that affect their decision to participate in medical insurance will help determine how to provide more effective and comprehensive protection for this group. This study uses data from the “2017 Floating Population Dynamics Monitoring Survey”, and takes new employment forms of workers as the research object, extracts key elements based on their employment characteristics, uses the binomial Logit model to perform regression and performs Sharpley decomposition to examine the influence of individual, work and social characteristics on the choice of insurance types for the people who have participated in medical insurance in this group. The results show that workers under new forms of employment with more stable employment and work closer to formal employment are more inclined to participate in employee insurance. Among them, the impact of job characteristics is stronger, indicating that the unclear employer's responsibility is still difficult for this group to obtain fair protection. |
Key words:Medical Insurance New forms of employment Medicare insurance choice Health security Migrants |
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