引用本文:王先菊, 司建平, 郭清.居家社区中医药特色医养结合服务绩效评价指标体系构建研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2023,16(11):60-67 |
居家社区中医药特色医养结合服务绩效评价指标体系构建研究 |
投稿时间:2023-07-27 修订日期:2023-11-07 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
王先菊1, 司建平1, 郭清2 |
1. 河南中医药大学管理学院 河南郑州 450046; 2. 浙江中医药大学 浙江杭州 310053 |
摘要:目的:构建居家社区中医药特色医养结合服务绩效评价指标体系。方法:依据SPO理论模型,采用文献研究法、半结构式访谈法、专家咨询法构建居家社区中医药特色医养结合服务绩效评价体系,运用层次分析法确定各指标权重。结果:构建形成了包含3项一级指标、11项二级指标、29项三级指标的居家社区中医药特色医养结合服务绩效评价体系,一级指标中,A2和A3的权重并列第一,均为0.400;二级指标中,B9和B11的组合权重并列第一,均为0.160;三级指标中,C28的组合权重最大,为0.107,所有判断矩阵均通过一致性检验,CR<0.1。结论:构建的绩效评价指标体系具有较强的科学性、可靠性、全面性和应用价值,可为政府部门制定相关政策以及开展绩效评价提供借鉴和参考。 |
关键词:居家社区 中医药特色 医养结合 绩效评价 指标体系 |
基金项目:2020年河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2020BSH010);2023年河南省社会科学规划决策咨询项目(2023JC041);2021年度河南省高等教育教学改革与实践项目(2021SJGLX417) |
Research on the construction of performance evaluation index system for the integrated home community medical and nursing care with characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
WANG Xian-ju1, SI Jian-ping1, GUO Qing2 |
1. School of Management, He'nan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou Henan 450046, China; 2. Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310053, China |
Abstract:Objective: Constructing a performance evaluation index system for the integrated home community medical and nursing care with characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).Methods: According to the SPO theoretical model, literature analysis, semi-structured interview and expert consultation methods are used to build a performance evaluation system for the integrated home community medical and nursing care with characteristics of TCM. Analytic hierarchy process is used to determine the weights of various indicators. Results: A performance evaluation system for the integrated home community medical and nursing care with characteristics of TCM was established, which includes 3 first level indicators, 11 second level indicators, and 29 third level indicators. Among the first level indicators, A2 and A3 have the same weight as the first, both of which are 0.400. In the secondary indicators, the combined weights of B9 and B11 rank first, both of which are 0.160. Among the three level indicators, C28 is the highest, at 0.107. All judgment matrices have passed consistency testing, with CR<0.1. Conclusions: The performance evaluation index system has a strong scientificity, reliability, comprehensiveness, and application value, which can provide reference for government departments to formulate relevant policies and carry out performance evaluation. |
Key words:Home community Characteristics of TCM Integrated medical and nursing care Performance evaluation Index system |
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