
投稿时间: 2014-07-27  最后修改时间: 2014-09-29  摘要点击次数: 3280  全文下载次数: 1332
引用本文:张立强, 宋大平, 任静,等.部分省份乡村医生养老保障现状调查[J].中国卫生政策研究,2014,7(10):64-67
张立强, 宋大平, 任静, 赵东辉, 汪早立
卫生部新型农村合作医疗研究中心 北京 100191
  关键词:乡村医生  养老保障  现状
Investigation of the current state of pension security for rural doctors in several provinces
ZHANG Li-qiang, SONG Da-ping, REN Jing, ZHAO Dong-hui, WANG Zao-li
Center for China Cooperative Medical Scheme, MOH, Beijing 100191, China
 Abstract:Objectives: To investigate the current state of pension security for rural doctors in 12 provinces those have not introduced related policies. Methods: Two counties were chosen in each province. Data was analyzed in terms of coverage, types and intention of pension security for rural doctors in these areas. Results: The study found that the proportion of rural doctors with pension security was 81.4% in these areas. 57.1% of rural doctors with pension security had urban and rural pension insurance. Differences exist among these areas. The safeguard level is too low, and the willingness of rural doctors to attend to pension security is not strong enough. Results: The mechanism of pension security for rural doctors must be improved. These areas should implement classified guidance and synchronize various models to solve the problem of pension security for rural doctors. 
 keywords:Rural doctor  Pension security  Current state