
投稿时间: 2014-03-31  最后修改时间: 2014-11-30  摘要点击次数: 3269  全文下载次数: 12
河北工业大学文法学院 天津 300401
Health insurance reform in the U.S and implications for China
WEN Tai-lin
School of Art and Law, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
 Abstract:The United States has distinguishing qualities in terms of health insurance with commercial health insurance as the main body, Medicare and Medicaid for the supplement. It is also the only developed country that has failed to realize universal health care. In fact, since 1912, the federal government has promoted the universal health insurance legislation, but due to party division, interest groups, and other ideological factors, the legislative process has been slow. In 2012, the Obama administration led the final passage of the health care bill which laid the institutional foundation on the road toward universal health care. The Reform of American health insurance has important implications for China, especially with a focus on the rule of law and democratic participation, and its private health insurance management and cost control experiences in medicine serve as an important reference for improving the quality of health insurance with expanded coverage. 
 keywords:Health insurance|Interest groups|Party division|United State of American|Implication