
投稿时间: 2014-10-27  最后修改时间: 2014-12-25  摘要点击次数: 2162  全文下载次数: 5
引用本文:叶子辉, 王兆良.新医改伦理价值的实践困境与政策应对——以按病种付费政策为例[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,8(2):46-53
叶子辉1,2, 王兆良1,2
1. 安徽医科大学人文社会科学学院 安徽合肥 230032;
2. 安徽医科大学医学人文研究中心 安徽合肥 230032
  关键词:新医改  伦理问题  价值标准  按病种付费
Dilemma and policy proposal for the ethical value of new health care reform: From the perspective of Diagnosis Related Groups
YE Zi-hui1,2, WANG Zhao-liang1,2
1. School of Humanities & Social Science, Anhui Medical University, Hefei Anhui 230032, China;
2. Medical Humanities Research Center, Anhui Medical University, Hefei Anhui 230032, China
 Abstract:Health care policy should follow principles of total efficiency, no-harm, fairness and justice as ethical standards for public policy. Diagnosis Related Groups(DRGs) as a sign of new health care reform (NHCR) is implemented as a pilot program across the country, with the obvious function of suppressing excessive growth in medical costs and over-treatment. From the dimension of ethical values, the DRGs has avoided unethical individuals, followed the principle of total efficiency and achieved the equalization of social security. However it has also increased ethical risks and been adverse to the development of medical research. To realize the reasonable development of DRGS, the construction of DRGs must be improved, and security policies must be reasonable and feasible; orderly measures must be established to ensure promotion and implementation; the government's financial investment must be increased to protect the social welfare of public hospitals; a sound communication mechanism must be implemented, and interaction between medical institutions and insurance institutions must be strengthened. 
 keywords:New health care reform  Ethical value  Value standard  Diagnosis Related Groups