
投稿时间: 2014-12-26  最后修改时间: 2015-01-30  摘要点击次数: 2935  全文下载次数: 6
引用本文:彭莎莎, 徐慧兰.长沙市2007—2013年卫生资源配置公平性分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,8(2):76-82
彭莎莎, 徐慧兰
中南大学公共卫生学院 湖南长沙 410078
  关键词:卫生资源配置  公平性  基尼系数  泰尔指数
Analysis of allocation and equity of health resources in Changsha between 2007 and 2013
PENG Sha-sha, XU Hui-lan
Department of Social Medicine and Health Service Management, School of Public Health Central South University, Changsha Hunan 410087, China
 Abstract:To explore the allocation and equity of health resource in Changsha between 2007 and 2013 and to provide references for government to carry out regional health planning. Method: General statistical analysis was used to describe changes of health resource allocation in Changsha; from the perspective of the population and geography of the nine counties in Changsha, the equality and change of the configuration among doctors, nurses and hospital beds were analyzed by using the Gini coefficient and Theil index. Results: 1) The per capita amount of health resources in Changsha increased gradually, and health resources were mainly concentrated in urban areas. 2) The Gini coefficients of doctors, nurses and hospital beds was 0.24~0.46 according to population distribution between 2007 and 2013 in Changsha, and the Gini coefficient of all health resources by geography was 0.59~ 0.79 and peaked in 2009 to then decrease year after year. Following a comparison of the two kinds of regions, the Gini coefficient of urban areas was significantly higher than that of rural areas, and the Gini coefficient of nurses was the highest among all health resources. 3) Changes in the Theil index were consistent with the Gini coefficient. The difference in the degree of resource allocation in urban areas exhibited a rising trend, The Theil index was higher than each regional difference. Conclusion: Overall, the equity of allocation of health resources in Changsha between 2007 and 2013 gradually improved year by year. The equity of population configuration was greater than that of geographical configuration, and the equity of rural areas was superior to that of urban areas; the equity of the configuration of nurses was poor. The difference between areas is the main factor affecting the equity of Changsha's health resource allocation. 
 keywords:Health resource allocation  Equity  Gini coefficient  Theil index