
投稿时间: 2015-01-28  最后修改时间: 2015-04-13  摘要点击次数: 2549  全文下载次数: 1619
引用本文:张欢, 潘文, 闫镝,等.乡镇卫生院护理人员工作现状及离职意愿研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,8(8):23-28
张欢1,2, 潘文2, 闫镝3, 赵洋2, 张敏敏2, 刘晓云2
1. 北京大学公共卫生学院, 北京 100191;
2. 北京大学中国卫生发展研究中心, 北京 100191;
3. 北京大学肿瘤医院, 北京市肿瘤防治研究所, 北京 100142
  关键词:乡镇卫生院  护理人员  工作内容  工作量  人员保留
The current situation of nursing staff and their turnover in township health centers
ZHANG Huan1,2, PAN Wen2, YAN Di3, ZHAO Yang2, ZHANG Min-min2, LIU Xiao-yun2
1. School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China;
2. China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China;
3. Peking University Cancer Hospital & Beijing Institute for Cancer Research, Beijing 100142, China
 Abstract:Objective: To describe the current situation in the nursing practice and their turnover intention in township health centers, and to analyze the changing potential influence in the nursing practice scope and workloads on their intention to leave those health centers. Methods: By means of a questionnaire, we conducted a survey on 167 nurses and interviewed 44 of them, all from 45 township hospitals within three provinces in China. Results: Since the healthcare system reform, the nursing workload in the township health centers significantly increased. 62% of the respondents considered their workload as heavy. Typically, the nursing work accounted for about 60% and the public health service work accounted for only 21% of the working hours. About 30% of the respondents were intended to leave their current job. The participating public health service was associated with intention to leave the job after controlling the province, workload, marital status, formal position, educational level and length of nursing service (P<0.05). Conclusions: Since the healthcare system reform, the nursing practice scope in township health centers has been expanded and the workload increased considerably. But so far, expanding the scope of the nursing work may have potentials in reducing the intention of nurses to leave their current positions. 
 keywords:Township health center  Nursing staff  The nursing practice scope  Workload  Employee retention