
投稿时间: 2015-08-07  最后修改时间: 2015-08-20  摘要点击次数: 2942  全文下载次数: 
北京大学中国卫生发展研究中心 北京 100191
 摘要:为满足居民健康需求,我国卫生服务体系需要不断做出改革和调整。健康需要、公平和效率、服务质量、卫生服务体系的发展历史和现状是体系建设需要考虑的四个维度。 本文认为建设以人为本的卫生服务体系是方向,并从人文关怀、利益相关、基层为本、连续整合和条件支撑五个方面对其内涵进行了阐述。提出了提升基层卫生服务质量、整合卫生服务体系和强化政府责任等建设以人为本卫生服务体系的策略和路径。 
  关键词:以人为本  卫生服务体系  建设  策略
Building a people-centered health service system
MENG Qing-yue
China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China
 Abstract:In order to meet the health needs of people, China's health service system needs continuous reforms and adjustments. Health needs, equity and efficiency, quality of service, and the development history and current situation of the health service system are the four main dimensions to be considered during the building process of the system. This paper argues that building a people-centered health service system is the direction, and it describes its connotation from five different aspects, including human care, interrelated interests, primary health care-oriented, continuous integration, and conditions for support. This paper proposes the strategies and paths to build a people-centered health service system, including to promoting the quality of primary health care, integrating health service systems, and strengthening government's responsibility. 
 keywords:People-centered  Health service system  Building  Strategy