投稿时间: 2015-08-07 最后修改时间: 2015-09-08 摘要点击次数: 2606 全文下载次数: |
引用本文:金音子, 何莉, 岳大海,等.安徽省肥西县基层卫生服务能力提升改革及其成效[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,8(10):13-18 |
金音子, 何莉, 岳大海, 朱炜明, 张鲁豫, 马慧芬, 孟庆跃 |
北京大学中国卫生发展研究中心 北京 100191 |
基金项目:世界银行资助——OECD以及中等收入国家以人为本的卫生服务案例研究 |
| 摘要:目的:分析安徽省肥西县基层卫生服务能力提升改革措施及成效,为深化基层医疗卫生服务体系改革提供参考。方法:采用关键知情人访谈、政策文件和档案资料分析以及机构问卷调查等方法收集资料,定性和定量研究结合,通过交叉分析和解释得出研究发现。结果:2010—2014年,肥西县从基层卫生人员能力、卫生服务体系网络建设、工作条件改善、机构管理制度建设四方面进行改革后,基层卫生人员能力提升、工作积极性增加、收入提高,基层卫生条件改善,纵向和横向医疗服务协作机制建立,县内就诊率和基层卫生服务利用提高。结论:肥西县“自下而上”的探索路径和“以点带面”的试点推行,不仅是基层卫生体系综合改革的核心内容,也有效撬动了其它方面的改革,触动了医疗卫生体系体制机制。 | |
关键词:基层卫生综合改革 能力建设 成效
Capacity building for primary health care reform and its effectiveness in Feixi county, Anhui province |
JIN Yin-zi, HE Li, YUE Da-hai, ZHU Wei-ming, ZHANG Lu-yu, MA Hui-fen, MENG Qing-yue |
China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China |
| Abstract:Objective: To analyze the implementation and effectiveness of primary health care reform in Feixi county, Anhui province. Methods: This paper uses data analysis of interviews with key insiders, policy documents and archives, as well as institutional questionnaire survey and other methods to collect information, and then it combines qualitative and quantitative research to arrive at research findings through cross-analysis and interpretation. Results: From 2010 to 2014, the reform enhanced the capacity of primary health care in four main aspects, including capacity building of primary health care personnel, network construction of primary health care system, improvement of working conditions, and system construction of institutional management. Accordingly, the human capacity of primary health care personnel was improved, their enthusiasm for work increased, their income was raised, the working conditions were improved, the cooperation mechanism for vertical and horizontal health care services was established, and the consultation rate and primary health care utilization in Feixi county increased. Conclusion: Both the “bottom-up” exploration approach and “from point to area” implementation strategy adopted by Feixi county have not only been the core content of primary health care system's comprehensive reform, but also effectively leveraged the other aspects of the reform. They have played an important role in deepening medical reform and establishing institutional mechanism of health care system. | |