
投稿时间: 2015-03-12  最后修改时间: 2015-10-30  摘要点击次数: 2371  全文下载次数: 8
引用本文:赵根明, 赵琦, 张俊婕,等.农村公共卫生服务体系绩效评价指标在农村卫生改革中的实践[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,8(11):15-20
赵根明1, 赵琦1, 张俊婕1, 张朝阳2
1. 复旦大学公共卫生学院 公共卫生安全教育部重点实验室 上海 200032;
2. 国家卫生计生委项目资金监管服务中心 北京 100044
基金项目:世行贷款/英国赠款中国农村卫生发展项目(IBRD-75510 TF-92893)
 摘要:目的:评价中国农村卫生发展项目(简称"卫十一项目")实施期间,项目地区公共卫生服务体系的绩效。方法:采用项目开发的农村公共卫生服务绩效评价指标体系,连续收集40个项目县2008-2013年的投入、产出指标,进行综合分析与评价。结果:项目地区2008-2013年间公共卫生的投入和产出均逐年提高,分别由项目初期的22.73分和39.05分增加到32.62分和57.60分,增幅达43.15%和47. 50%,部分项目省份投入增幅较产出明显。项目地区投入产出比从1.72增加到1.77,年间略有波动。结论:采用公共卫生服务体系绩效考核指标监测项目实施进程,有利于及时发现农村公共卫生服务体系建设中存在的薄弱环节,从而针对性地采取有效措施促进体系的完善。在加大公共卫生投入的时候,如何高效利用资源,提高服务效果依然是亟需解决的问题。 
  关键词:绩效评价  公共卫生服务  农村卫生改革
Applications of the performance evaluation index system for rural public health service system in China's rural health reform
ZHAO Gen-ming1, ZHAO Qi1, ZHANG Jun-jie1, ZHANG Zhao-yang2
1. School of Public Health, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China;
2. Center for Project Supervision and Management, National Health and Family Planning Commission, Beijing 100044, China
 Abstract:Objective:To evaluate the project performance of public health service system in rural areas during the implementation of China Rural Health Project (hereinafter referred to as "Health XI Project"). Methods:In this paper, all 40 counties covered by the Health XI Project are selected as case study. This paper uses the performance evaluation index system for rural public health system developed for the project and continuously collect input and output indexes between 2008 and 2013 in order to conduct a comprehensive analysis and evaluation. Results:During the implementation of the Health XI Project, the inputs and outputs of the rural public health service system had gradually increased in all the countries covered by the project. The score for inputs and outputs increased from 22.73 and 39.05 in 2008 to 32.62 and 57.60 in 2013, with a growth rate of 43.15% and 47.50%, respectively. The input scores significantly grew faster than output scores in some provinces. The input-output ratio increased from 1.72 to 1.77, with slight fluctuations between different years. Conclusion:The application of the performance evaluation index system for public health service system in monitoring project implementation process can help to timely discover the weak links associated with the implementation of rural public health service system, and thus take effective measures to promote the improvement of the system.. When increasing investment in public health, how to efficiently use resources and improve the service effectiveness is still an urgent problem. 
 keywords:Performance evaluation  Public health service  Rural health reform