引用本文:李长明,汪早立,王敬媛.建国60年我国农村卫生的回顾与展望[J].中国卫生政策研究,2009,2(10):1-5 |
建国60年我国农村卫生的回顾与展望 |
投稿时间:2009-09-17 修订日期:2009-09-21 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
李长明1, 汪早立2, 王敬媛2 |
1.中国卫生经济学会;2.卫生部新型农村合作医疗研究中心 |
摘要:建国60年来,我国农村卫生体系经历了雏形形成、建设发展、社会主义市场经济转型中探索调整和新机制建设发展四个时期,取得了令人瞩目的成就:农村地区全面建立起新农合制度,农村卫生三级网不断巩固发展,农村卫生队伍建设不断加强,农村居民健康水平显著提高,农村初级卫生保健工作取得长足进展等。60年农村卫生工作的经验在于坚持将农村作为卫生事业的重点,坚持从国情出发,探索中国特色的农村卫生发展模式,注重农村卫生体系的整体推进发展和坚持农村卫生发展的改革与创新;但是,二元结构背景下,农村卫生发展滞后的局面没有发生根本性变革,需要不断改进和完善。 |
关键词:农村卫生 回顾 展望 |
Reflections on 60 years development of rural health service in China: retrospect and prospect |
LI Chang-ming1, WANG Zao-li2, WANG Jing-yuan2 |
1.China Health Economics Association;2.Center for China New Cooperative Medical Scheme, Ministry of Health |
Abstract:China has gained remarkable achievements in the building of rural health system in the past 60 years, which has experienced four major stages, that is,rudiment, construction and development, exploration and adjustment in the context of transformation of socialist market economy, new mechanism construction and development. The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NRCMS) has been built widely in rural China. Three tied rural healthcare network has been consolidated and the health talents number has grown continuously . As a result, great achievements in the primary healthcare have been made in recent years. The experiences of 60 years health development in rural China are that we insist focusing on rural health, proceeding from national conditions, exploring the rural health development model, focusing on rural health system as a whole to promote the development and adhere to the reform of rural health development and innovation. In the context of the dual structure, the slow health development in rural China has not changed fundamentally, and more improvement are needed. |
Key words:Rural health service system, Retrospect, Prospect |
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