引用本文:殷晓旭,李永斌,王芳,等.全国重点联系城市社区卫生服务机构收支两条线实施现状及其对服务效率的影响[J].中国卫生政策研究,2010,3(2):14-16 |
全国重点联系城市社区卫生服务机构收支两条线实施现状及其对服务效率的影响 |
投稿时间:2009-12-11 修订日期:2009-12-23 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
殷晓旭, 李永斌, 王芳, 卢祖洵 |
华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院 |
摘要:目的:了解全国重点联系城市社区卫生服务收支两条线管理发展现状并分析其对服务效率的影响。方法:采取普查的方式,由36个重点联系城市(区)所有社区卫生服务中心和站填写常规监测表,数据收集后进行描述性分析。结果:社区卫生服务中心收支两条线的实施率为34.6%,社区卫生服务站为31.23%,东部城市收支两条线的实施率比中、西部城市高出10%以上;实施组医务人员的人均门诊服务量高于未实施组,增长幅度也明显大于未实施组;实施组医务人员的人均公共卫生服务量整体低于未实施组。结论:收支两条线管理整体发展较好,并且明显提高了门诊服务的服务效率,但仍存在总体实施率较低、发展不平衡以及公共卫生服务效率较低等问题,建议在加大政策和财政支持的基础上,建立完善人事激励制度和绩效考核制度,并加强配套政策的落实。 |
关键词:社区卫生服务机构 收支两条线 现状 服务效率 |
基金项目:卫生部课题“全国社区卫生服务体系建设重点联系城市基线调查与常规监测”。 |
YIN Xiao-xu, LI Yong-bin, WANG Fang, LU Zu-xun |
School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Abstract:Objectives: To understand the implementation status quo of “separation between revenue and expenditure” policy and its impact on healthcare service efficiency in community health facilities of the key contact cities.Methods: A general survey is conducted by interviewing all community health service centers and stations in 36 key contact cities (areas) with routine monitoring table. After data collection, a descriptive analysis is conducted. Results: The implementing rate of the separation policy for community health service centers and stations is 34.6 percent and 31.23 percent respectively. The rate in eastern areas is 10 percent higher than those middle and western areas. The average out patient service provided by medical staff in the implementing group is higher than un implementing group. Also, the increasing rate is obviously higher than un implementing group. However, the average public health service provided by medical staff in the implementing group is lower than un implementing group. Conclusions: The development of the separation policy is relative good, and it raises the clinic service efficiency obviously. But there still exists some noteworthy questions such as the relatively low overall implementation rate; the unbalanced development as well as the low efficiency of public health service. In addition to suggest enforcing the policy and increasing the financial support, this article recommends establishing and consummating the personnel motivation system and the performance appraisal system, in line with strengthening the realization of the assorted policies. |
Key words:Community health facilities Separation between revenue and expenditure Status quo Service efficiency |
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