引用本文:汤淑女,简伟研,卢铭.北京市儿童先天性心脏病住院服务集中程度分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2013,6(1):46-50 |
北京市儿童先天性心脏病住院服务集中程度分析 |
投稿时间:2012-12-18 修订日期:2012-12-29 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
汤淑女1, 简伟研1, 卢铭2 |
1.北京大学公共卫生学院;2.北京大学基础医学院 |
摘要:探索北京市儿童先天性心脏病住院服务的集中程度。方法:从北京市出院病人病案首页数据库中,提取2005—2010年因患先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄等4类先心病在北京地区医疗机构接受住院治疗并出院的全部儿童(0~14岁)病例,计算不同医院的市场份额,并采用Logistic回归和多重线性回归模型,对不同市场份额医疗机构的此类疾病住院服务绩效进行比较。结果:此类型的病例93%以上集中于3家医院。与其它医疗机构相比,份额高的医疗机构其治疗技术、质量较高,住院时间较短,住院费用的趋势不尽一致。结论与建议:在促进医院普遍开展儿科服务的政策基础上,应引导医疗机构结合自身优势确定发展方向和功能定位,形成具有一定规模的儿科诊疗服务。 |
关键词:儿童 先天性心脏病 住院服务 集中程度 |
基金项目:中华医学基金会(CMB)资助项目(10 008) |
Analysis on the concentration of inpatient services for children with congenital heart disease in Beijing |
Abstract:Objective: In this paper, we analyze the concentration of inpatient services for children with congenital heart disease in Beijing Methods: The database of inpatient records was used to collect data on patients aged 0 to 14 years who suffered from four types of congenital heart disease Data was collected on patients hospitalized between 2005 and 2010 From this data,the patient load across different hospitals was determined Logistic regression and multiple linear regression models were used to compare the performance of hospitalization between hospitals with a relatively large number of patients with hospitals with a smaller number of patients Results: More than 93% of pediatric congenital heart disease cases were treated in three main hospitals Hospitals with a relatively high number of cases tended to have better technology, higher quality care, and shorter hospital stay However, the cost trends are not consistent Conclusions and suggestions: Reasonable guidelines should be created to promote general pediatric services in hospitals and to determine the functions and development direction of hospitals according to their individual strengths A format should be created for the scale of pediatric clinical services in hospitals |
Key words:Children Congenital heart disease Inpatient services Concentration |
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