引用本文:杨赐然, 崔丹.医改重点工作任务分解下部门协作层级对比研究——社会网络分析的视角[J].中国卫生政策研究,2021,14(12):34-41 |
医改重点工作任务分解下部门协作层级对比研究——社会网络分析的视角 |
投稿时间:2021-11-14 修订日期:2021-11-29 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
杨赐然, 崔丹 |
武汉大学公共卫生学院 湖北武汉 430071 |
摘要:本文借助社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)视角,依托我国三级政府(中央、省级和市级)历年(2015—2020年)发布的“医药卫生体制改革重点工作任务”政策文本,对其内在规定的部门协作和配合情况进行量化分析和可视化呈现。研究发现,政策任务分解差异派生出协作网络的层级区别与年际变动;协作网络局部关键节点属性和整体属性垂直差异并不明显;各层级网络存在集中趋势和联通强度正向关联的结构形态。基于此,本文提出应立足改革任务需要增强协作网络层级适应性;激发“一核三元多主体”协作网络联动优势;依托整体网络建设带动协作效率可持续提升。 |
关键词:社会网络分析|政策解构|部门协作|政府层级对比 |
A comparative study on the levels of departmental collaboration under the decomposition of medical reform key tasks: From the perspective of social network analysis |
YANG Ci-ran, CUI Dan |
School of Public Health, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430071, China |
Abstract:From the perspective of Social Network Analysis (SNA), this paper performed quantitative analysis and visualized demonstration on the situation of departmental collaboration and coordination stipulated in the policy contents of "Key Tasks for Medical and Health System Reform" documents issued by the three levels of government (central, provincial and municipal) over 2015—2020. The study found that the difference in the decomposition of policy tasks resulted in level differences and inter-annual changes in the collaboration network. The vertical differences in the attributes of local key nodes and in the overall attributes of the collaboration network were not significant. All levels of network manifested a structural form where the convergence tendency was positively correlated with the strength of connectivity. Based on these results, this paper proposes that level adaptability of the collaboration network should be facilitated to meet the needs of the reform tasks. In addition, it is suggested to reinforce the linkage advantages of the "one-core, three-element and multi-subject" collaboration network, and achieve sustainable improvement of the collaboration efficiency via development of the overall network. |
Key words:Social network analysis|Policy deconstruction|Departmental collaboration|Government level comparison |
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