引用本文:李文敏, 程梦珍, 刘丝雨.我国整合型健康服务体系的实现路径研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2022,15(5):1-7 |
我国整合型健康服务体系的实现路径研究 |
投稿时间:2022-04-07 修订日期:2022-05-19 PDF全文浏览 HTML全文浏览 |
李文敏1,2, 程梦珍1, 刘丝雨1 |
1. 湖北大学公共管理学院 湖北武汉 430062; 2. 湖北大学卫生政策研究与评价中心 湖北武汉 430062 |
摘要:探索构建整合型健康服务体系是全球医改的重要议题与趋势。本文通过系统检索国内外相关文献,梳理整合型健康服务体系的概念演绎;以彩虹模型作为理论框架,详细阐述整合的对象与内容,总结整合路径与整合方式的表现形式、联系与区别。结合当前我国整合型健康服务体系构建实践与难点,建议协同推进医保整合支付改革与整合型健康服务体系构建;转变传统组织体系整合模式,以服务整合为抓手创新整合模式;强化新技术与健康服务体系嵌合度,有效推进健康信息整合;整合工作按照有计划、分层次的思路稳步推进。 |
关键词:整合型健康服务体系 彩虹模型 实现路径 |
基金项目:教育部人文社科项目(19YJA630041) |
Research on the path to an integrated healthcare service system in China |
LI Wen-min1,2, CHENG Meng-zhen1, LIU Si-yu1 |
1. School of Public Administration, Hubei University, Wuhan Hubei 430062, China; 2. Centre for Health Policy Research and Evaluation, Hubei University, Wuhan Hubei 430062, China |
Abstract:Exploring the construction of an integrated healthcare service system is an important issue and trend in global healthcare reform. The concept of an integrated healthcare service system was explained through a systematic search of relevant literature at home and abroad; the Rainbow Model was used as a theoretical framework to elaborate on the objects and contents of integration, and to summarise the manifestations, links and differences between integration paths and integration approaches. In light of the current practice and difficulties in building an integrated healthcare service system in China, it is recommended that the reform of health insurance integration payment and the construction of an integrated healthcare service system be promoted in a coordinated manner; that the traditional mode of organizational system integration be transformed, and that the integration mode be innovated with service integration in mind; that the nestedness of new technologies and the healthcare service system be strengthened, and that the integration of health information be effectively promoted; and that the integration work be steadily promoted in a planned and hierarchical manner. |
Key words:Integrated healthcare service system Rainbow Model Path |
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